Information About The New Private Home At Point Deroche
This site was created to inform the public about the development being built at Point Deroche. There is a large amount of misinformation being circulated about the project. The objective of this site is to provide factual information to those interested about the project. You can read more about us and learn about the history of the site and the current project below.
Improved Accessibility for Beach Walkers
The primary criticism circulating in the media is the notion that the new rock-slope shore protection, which replaced the vertical seawall that stood for over 30 years, is encroaching on the beach and impeding public access more than the previous seawall.
This claim is incorrect.
The edge of the new shoreline protection is a minimum of 3 feet and as much as 10 feet inland of the old seawall, resulting in improved accessibility compared to what existed in the past.
Impact of Erosion on the neighbouring Shoreline
Historical wind and wave processes have eroded the shoreline on either side of the old seawall. This took place long before the new owners purchased the property.
It is important to understand this has been an ongoing issue over the several decades since the original owners built their seawall.
If one does not take this into consideration, they may incorrectly conclude the shoreline protection newly obstructs the beach.
Old Seawall was Toxic & at risk of Falling into the Sea
The old seawall was in poor condition. It was filled with salvaged concrete, some of which became dislodged from the seawall over time and littered the nearby beaches at both east and west ends.
The timber in the seawall was treated with creosote, a chemical banned from use in marine applications. It is a known human carcinogen and environmental contaminant.
Professionals involved in this work believe the old vertical seawall would been destroyed by Hurricane Fiona.
The Old Seawall
Some people are unaware that this site was developed in the 1980s. The old seawall stood for decades until it was replaced in 2022. The erosion of the beach on either side over 30 years has long made this location difficult to safely walk around at high tide.
New Shoreline Protection & Planned Site Restoration
The new bio-engineered shoreline restoration will ensure the shoreline can withstand the harsh climate and restore native plants and biodiversity. Removal of the environmentally toxic creosote timber and future naturalization of the shoreline will be a vast improvement over the old seawall.
New Shoreline Protection Progress Photos
The recent impact of Hurricane Fiona has accelerated neighbouring shoreline erosion, experts say it is possible the new rock-slope shore protection mitigated damage to the neighbouring properties. The new shoreline is vastly safer to walk around than the old seawall.
Discussion & Frequently Asked Questions
There is widespread misinformation concerning the Point Deroche House and the new shoreline protection.